mental cleanse

Thursday, February 28, 2013

I am fully aware of the inconsistent nature of my posts lately. Contrary to my archives, I actually think about this blog every day, usually several times per. Right now I'm working on a couple of posts that are requiring a lot of consideration and thorough research, so amidst my hectic schedule they are taking a while to surface. In the meantime, I thought I'd use this post as an opportunity to de-stress a bit myself while simultaneously providing some tips to help you glide into the weekend with ease. These are some of the things that I do to get back to zen:

1. Stretch

2. Sit outside and drink tea

3. Sing in the shower

4. Find somewhere pretty to read a book

5. Yoga

6. Take a deep breath

7. Pray, to whom or whatever you pray to

8. Remove excess clutter

9. Laugh with friends

10. Take on a project that is purely creative

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